원문: https://www.espressoenglish.net/food-dish-meal-or-cuisine/


Food is the most general word, referring to anything you can eat.

Simple things (like a piece of bread) and complex things (like a seafood stew with many ingredients)

are all in the general category of food.

In everyday English, you'll often hear sentences like:

  • What's your favorite food?
  • Let's go get some food.

The word food is usually singular - so you should say

"I ate a lot of food (not foods) last night."

But there are some exceptions - we use foods, plural,

when specifically talking about multiple distinct types, for example,

"At the international festival, I tries foods from around the world."


The word dish has two meanings.

One is a physical object used to hold, cook, and serve food.

When we talk about washing the dishes,

we are washing the plates, bowls, pots, pans, spoons, forks, etc.


The word dish can also refer to one prepared item of food, like a lasagna or a fruit salad.

If you go to a type of social event called a potluck, each person who attends brings a dish

- one person brings a salad, another person brings an apple pie, another person brings beef stew, etc.

Each of these prepared items of food is a dish.


At a restaurant, you might encounter the terms main dish (a large amount of food - like a steak)

and side dish (a small amount of food that accompanies the main dish - like a small bowl of broccoli).


The word meal refers to the customary time/occasion of eating food.

Most people eat 3 meals - breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Meal also refers to all the food eaten during one of these occasions

- so one meal can include multiple dishes.

Dinner is one meal, but you might have chicken, rice, salad, and ice cream.

Each of those is one dish, and when eaten all together on one occasion,

they are a meal.


You might have a big/heavy meal (with a lot of food)

or a light meal (with little food).

A meal can be elaborate (with many different and complicated dishes)

or simple (with just a few easy-to-make dishes).


The word cuisine describes a typical manner/style of preparing food.

We usually use this word with country adjectives (Italian cuisine, Brazilian cuisine, Moroccan cuisine)

or ethanic or regional adjectives (Cajun cuisine, Jewish cuisine, South Indian cuisine).

In everyday Enghlish, however, many people simply say "food" when talking about getting something to eat:

  • I love Chinese food.
  • Do you want to try some Ethiopian food?

When talking more specifially about the techniques and traditions,

then we would say cuisine:

  • Palm oil is used prominently in West African cuisine.
  • The chef specializes in French cuisine.

윈도우키 + R > secpol.msc 입력 > 보안 설정 > 로컬 정책 > 보안 옵션> 네트워크 보안: LAN Manager 인증 수준
"NTLMv2 응답만 보냅니다. LM 및 NTLM은 거부합니다." 선택


  • Visual Studio 2019
  • NVIDIA CUDA (cuda-toolkit-archive)
  • NVIDIA cuDNN (cudnn-archive)
  • OpenCV 2.4 이상 (4.1)

Darknet project

darknet github


GitHub - AlexeyAB/darknet: YOLOv4 / Scaled-YOLOv4 / YOLO - Neural Networks for Object Detection (Windows and Linux version of Da

YOLOv4 / Scaled-YOLOv4 / YOLO - Neural Networks for Object Detection (Windows and Linux version of Darknet ) - GitHub - AlexeyAB/darknet: YOLOv4 / Scaled-YOLOv4 / YOLO - Neural Networks for Object ...


Visual Studio 설정

darknet-master\build\darknet\darknet.vcxproj 파일 수정

  <Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.props" />
    <ImportGroup Label="ExtensionSettings">
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      <Command>xcopy /d /y "$(OpenCV_DIR)\x64\vc15\opencv_ffmpeg???_64.dll" "$(OutDir)"
xcopy /d /y "$(OpenCV_DIR)\x64\vc15\opencv_world???.dll" "$(OutDir)"
xcopy /d /y "$(CUDA_PATH_V10_1)\bin\cublas64_*.dll" "$(OutDir)"
xcopy /d /y "$(CUDA_PATH_V10_1)\bin\cudart64_*.dll" "$(OutDir)"
xcopy /d /y "$(CUDA_PATH_V10_1)\bin\cusolver64_*.dll" "$(OutDir)"
xcopy /d /y "$(CUDA_PATH_V10_1)\bin\curand64_*.dll" "$(OutDir)"
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  <ImportGroup Label="ExtensionTargets">
    <Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\BuildCustomizations\CUDA 10.1.targets" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project DefaultTargets="Build" ToolsVersion="14.0" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">
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  <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|x64'" Label="Configuration">
  <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|x64'" Label="Configuration">
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    <Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\BuildCustomizations\CUDA 10.1.props" />
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    <Import Project="$(UserRootDir)\Microsoft.Cpp.$(Platform).user.props" Condition="exists('$(UserRootDir)\Microsoft.Cpp.$(Platform).user.props')" Label="LocalAppDataPlatform" />
  <ImportGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|x64'" Label="PropertySheets">
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xcopy /d /y "$(OpenCV_DIR)\x64\vc15\opencv_world???.dll" "$(OutDir)"
xcopy /d /y "$(CUDA_PATH_V10_1)\bin\cublas64_*.dll" "$(OutDir)"
xcopy /d /y "$(CUDA_PATH_V10_1)\bin\cudart64_*.dll" "$(OutDir)"
xcopy /d /y "$(CUDA_PATH_V10_1)\bin\cusolver64_*.dll" "$(OutDir)"
xcopy /d /y "$(CUDA_PATH_V10_1)\bin\curand64_*.dll" "$(OutDir)"
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      <Command>xcopy /d /y "$(OpenCV_DIR)\x64\vc15\opencv_ffmpeg???_64.dll" "$(OutDir)"
xcopy /d /y "$(OpenCV_DIR)\x64\vc15\opencv_world???.dll" "$(OutDir)"
xcopy /d /y "$(CUDA_PATH_V10_1)\bin\cublas64_*.dll" "$(OutDir)"
xcopy /d /y "$(CUDA_PATH_V10_1)\bin\cudart64_*.dll" "$(OutDir)"
xcopy /d /y "$(CUDA_PATH_V10_1)\bin\cusolver64_*.dll" "$(OutDir)"
xcopy /d /y "$(CUDA_PATH_V10_1)\bin\curand64_*.dll" "$(OutDir)"
    <CudaCompile Include="..\..\src\activation_kernels.cu" />
    <CudaCompile Include="..\..\src\avgpool_layer_kernels.cu" />
    <CudaCompile Include="..\..\src\blas_kernels.cu" />
    <CudaCompile Include="..\..\src\col2im_kernels.cu" />
    <ClInclude Include="..\..\src\upsample_layer.h" />
    <ClInclude Include="..\..\src\utils.h" />
    <ClInclude Include="..\..\src\yolo_layer.h" />
  <Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.targets" />
  <ImportGroup Label="ExtensionTargets">
    <Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\BuildCustomizations\CUDA 10.1.targets" />

OpenCV, cuDNN, GPU architecture 설정


관련 DLL 복사

xcopy /d /y "$(OpenCV_DIR)\x64\vc15\opencv_ffmpeg???_64.dll" "$(OutDir)"
xcopy /d /y "$(OpenCV_DIR)\x64\vc15\opencv_world???.dll" "$(OutDir)"
xcopy /d /y "$(CUDA_PATH_V10_1)\bin\cublas64_*.dll" "$(OutDir)"
xcopy /d /y "$(CUDA_PATH_V10_1)\bin\cudart64_*.dll" "$(OutDir)"
xcopy /d /y "$(CUDA_PATH_V10_1)\bin\cusolver64_*.dll" "$(OutDir)"
xcopy /d /y "$(CUDA_PATH_V10_1)\bin\curand64_*.dll" "$(OutDir)"

테스트 실행

미리 훈련된 weight 값 다운로드

...\build\darknet\x64>darknet detector test ./cfg/coco.data ./cfg/yolov3.cfg ./yolov3.weights ./data/dog.jpg
 CUDA-version: 10010 (10020), cuDNN: 7.6.1, CUDNN_HALF=1, GPU count: 1
 OpenCV version: 4.1.0
 compute_capability = 610, cudnn_half = 0
net.optimized_memory = 0
batch = 1, time_steps = 1, train = 0
   layer   filters  size/strd(dil)      input                output
   0 conv     32       3 x 3/ 1    416 x 416 x   3 ->  416 x 416 x  32 0.299 BF
   1 conv     64       3 x 3/ 2    416 x 416 x  32 ->  208 x 208 x  64 1.595 BF
   2 conv     32       1 x 1/ 1    208 x 208 x  64 ->  208 x 208 x  32 0.177 BF
   3 conv     64       3 x 3/ 1    208 x 208 x  32 ->  208 x 208 x  64 1.595 BF
   4 Shortcut Layer: 1,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs: 208 x 208 x  64 0.003 BF
   5 conv    128       3 x 3/ 2    208 x 208 x  64 ->  104 x 104 x 128 1.595 BF
   6 conv     64       1 x 1/ 1    104 x 104 x 128 ->  104 x 104 x  64 0.177 BF
   7 conv    128       3 x 3/ 1    104 x 104 x  64 ->  104 x 104 x 128 1.595 BF
   8 Shortcut Layer: 5,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs: 104 x 104 x 128 0.001 BF
   9 conv     64       1 x 1/ 1    104 x 104 x 128 ->  104 x 104 x  64 0.177 BF
  10 conv    128       3 x 3/ 1    104 x 104 x  64 ->  104 x 104 x 128 1.595 BF
  11 Shortcut Layer: 8,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs: 104 x 104 x 128 0.001 BF
  12 conv    256       3 x 3/ 2    104 x 104 x 128 ->   52 x  52 x 256 1.595 BF
  13 conv    128       1 x 1/ 1     52 x  52 x 256 ->   52 x  52 x 128 0.177 BF
  14 conv    256       3 x 3/ 1     52 x  52 x 128 ->   52 x  52 x 256 1.595 BF
  15 Shortcut Layer: 12,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  52 x  52 x 256 0.001 BF
  16 conv    128       1 x 1/ 1     52 x  52 x 256 ->   52 x  52 x 128 0.177 BF
  17 conv    256       3 x 3/ 1     52 x  52 x 128 ->   52 x  52 x 256 1.595 BF
  18 Shortcut Layer: 15,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  52 x  52 x 256 0.001 BF
  19 conv    128       1 x 1/ 1     52 x  52 x 256 ->   52 x  52 x 128 0.177 BF
  20 conv    256       3 x 3/ 1     52 x  52 x 128 ->   52 x  52 x 256 1.595 BF
  21 Shortcut Layer: 18,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  52 x  52 x 256 0.001 BF
  22 conv    128       1 x 1/ 1     52 x  52 x 256 ->   52 x  52 x 128 0.177 BF
  23 conv    256       3 x 3/ 1     52 x  52 x 128 ->   52 x  52 x 256 1.595 BF
  24 Shortcut Layer: 21,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  52 x  52 x 256 0.001 BF
  25 conv    128       1 x 1/ 1     52 x  52 x 256 ->   52 x  52 x 128 0.177 BF
  26 conv    256       3 x 3/ 1     52 x  52 x 128 ->   52 x  52 x 256 1.595 BF
  27 Shortcut Layer: 24,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  52 x  52 x 256 0.001 BF
  28 conv    128       1 x 1/ 1     52 x  52 x 256 ->   52 x  52 x 128 0.177 BF
  29 conv    256       3 x 3/ 1     52 x  52 x 128 ->   52 x  52 x 256 1.595 BF
  30 Shortcut Layer: 27,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  52 x  52 x 256 0.001 BF
  31 conv    128       1 x 1/ 1     52 x  52 x 256 ->   52 x  52 x 128 0.177 BF
  32 conv    256       3 x 3/ 1     52 x  52 x 128 ->   52 x  52 x 256 1.595 BF
  33 Shortcut Layer: 30,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  52 x  52 x 256 0.001 BF
  34 conv    128       1 x 1/ 1     52 x  52 x 256 ->   52 x  52 x 128 0.177 BF
  35 conv    256       3 x 3/ 1     52 x  52 x 128 ->   52 x  52 x 256 1.595 BF
  36 Shortcut Layer: 33,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  52 x  52 x 256 0.001 BF
  37 conv    512       3 x 3/ 2     52 x  52 x 256 ->   26 x  26 x 512 1.595 BF
  38 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     26 x  26 x 512 ->   26 x  26 x 256 0.177 BF
  39 conv    512       3 x 3/ 1     26 x  26 x 256 ->   26 x  26 x 512 1.595 BF
  40 Shortcut Layer: 37,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  26 x  26 x 512 0.000 BF
  41 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     26 x  26 x 512 ->   26 x  26 x 256 0.177 BF
  42 conv    512       3 x 3/ 1     26 x  26 x 256 ->   26 x  26 x 512 1.595 BF
  43 Shortcut Layer: 40,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  26 x  26 x 512 0.000 BF
  44 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     26 x  26 x 512 ->   26 x  26 x 256 0.177 BF
  45 conv    512       3 x 3/ 1     26 x  26 x 256 ->   26 x  26 x 512 1.595 BF
  46 Shortcut Layer: 43,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  26 x  26 x 512 0.000 BF
  47 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     26 x  26 x 512 ->   26 x  26 x 256 0.177 BF
  48 conv    512       3 x 3/ 1     26 x  26 x 256 ->   26 x  26 x 512 1.595 BF
  49 Shortcut Layer: 46,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  26 x  26 x 512 0.000 BF
  50 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     26 x  26 x 512 ->   26 x  26 x 256 0.177 BF
  51 conv    512       3 x 3/ 1     26 x  26 x 256 ->   26 x  26 x 512 1.595 BF
  52 Shortcut Layer: 49,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  26 x  26 x 512 0.000 BF
  53 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     26 x  26 x 512 ->   26 x  26 x 256 0.177 BF
  54 conv    512       3 x 3/ 1     26 x  26 x 256 ->   26 x  26 x 512 1.595 BF
  55 Shortcut Layer: 52,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  26 x  26 x 512 0.000 BF
  56 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     26 x  26 x 512 ->   26 x  26 x 256 0.177 BF
  57 conv    512       3 x 3/ 1     26 x  26 x 256 ->   26 x  26 x 512 1.595 BF
  58 Shortcut Layer: 55,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  26 x  26 x 512 0.000 BF
  59 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     26 x  26 x 512 ->   26 x  26 x 256 0.177 BF
  60 conv    512       3 x 3/ 1     26 x  26 x 256 ->   26 x  26 x 512 1.595 BF
  61 Shortcut Layer: 58,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  26 x  26 x 512 0.000 BF
  62 conv   1024       3 x 3/ 2     26 x  26 x 512 ->   13 x  13 x1024 1.595 BF
  63 conv    512       1 x 1/ 1     13 x  13 x1024 ->   13 x  13 x 512 0.177 BF
  64 conv   1024       3 x 3/ 1     13 x  13 x 512 ->   13 x  13 x1024 1.595 BF
  65 Shortcut Layer: 62,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  13 x  13 x1024 0.000 BF
  66 conv    512       1 x 1/ 1     13 x  13 x1024 ->   13 x  13 x 512 0.177 BF
  67 conv   1024       3 x 3/ 1     13 x  13 x 512 ->   13 x  13 x1024 1.595 BF
  68 Shortcut Layer: 65,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  13 x  13 x1024 0.000 BF
  69 conv    512       1 x 1/ 1     13 x  13 x1024 ->   13 x  13 x 512 0.177 BF
  70 conv   1024       3 x 3/ 1     13 x  13 x 512 ->   13 x  13 x1024 1.595 BF
  71 Shortcut Layer: 68,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  13 x  13 x1024 0.000 BF
  72 conv    512       1 x 1/ 1     13 x  13 x1024 ->   13 x  13 x 512 0.177 BF
  73 conv   1024       3 x 3/ 1     13 x  13 x 512 ->   13 x  13 x1024 1.595 BF
  74 Shortcut Layer: 71,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  13 x  13 x1024 0.000 BF
  75 conv    512       1 x 1/ 1     13 x  13 x1024 ->   13 x  13 x 512 0.177 BF
  76 conv   1024       3 x 3/ 1     13 x  13 x 512 ->   13 x  13 x1024 1.595 BF
  77 conv    512       1 x 1/ 1     13 x  13 x1024 ->   13 x  13 x 512 0.177 BF
  78 conv   1024       3 x 3/ 1     13 x  13 x 512 ->   13 x  13 x1024 1.595 BF
  79 conv    512       1 x 1/ 1     13 x  13 x1024 ->   13 x  13 x 512 0.177 BF
  80 conv   1024       3 x 3/ 1     13 x  13 x 512 ->   13 x  13 x1024 1.595 BF
  81 conv    255       1 x 1/ 1     13 x  13 x1024 ->   13 x  13 x 255 0.088 BF
  82 yolo
[yolo] params: iou loss: mse (2), iou_norm: 0.75, cls_norm: 1.00, scale_x_y: 1.00
  83 route  79                                     ->   13 x  13 x 512
  84 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     13 x  13 x 512 ->   13 x  13 x 256 0.044 BF
  85 upsample                 2x    13 x  13 x 256 ->   26 x  26 x 256
  86 route  85 61                                  ->   26 x  26 x 768
  87 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     26 x  26 x 768 ->   26 x  26 x 256 0.266 BF
  88 conv    512       3 x 3/ 1     26 x  26 x 256 ->   26 x  26 x 512 1.595 BF
  89 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     26 x  26 x 512 ->   26 x  26 x 256 0.177 BF
  90 conv    512       3 x 3/ 1     26 x  26 x 256 ->   26 x  26 x 512 1.595 BF
  91 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     26 x  26 x 512 ->   26 x  26 x 256 0.177 BF
  92 conv    512       3 x 3/ 1     26 x  26 x 256 ->   26 x  26 x 512 1.595 BF
  93 conv    255       1 x 1/ 1     26 x  26 x 512 ->   26 x  26 x 255 0.177 BF
  94 yolo
[yolo] params: iou loss: mse (2), iou_norm: 0.75, cls_norm: 1.00, scale_x_y: 1.00
  95 route  91                                     ->   26 x  26 x 256
  96 conv    128       1 x 1/ 1     26 x  26 x 256 ->   26 x  26 x 128 0.044 BF
  97 upsample                 2x    26 x  26 x 128 ->   52 x  52 x 128
  98 route  97 36                                  ->   52 x  52 x 384
  99 conv    128       1 x 1/ 1     52 x  52 x 384 ->   52 x  52 x 128 0.266 BF
 100 conv    256       3 x 3/ 1     52 x  52 x 128 ->   52 x  52 x 256 1.595 BF
 101 conv    128       1 x 1/ 1     52 x  52 x 256 ->   52 x  52 x 128 0.177 BF
 102 conv    256       3 x 3/ 1     52 x  52 x 128 ->   52 x  52 x 256 1.595 BF
 103 conv    128       1 x 1/ 1     52 x  52 x 256 ->   52 x  52 x 128 0.177 BF
 104 conv    256       3 x 3/ 1     52 x  52 x 128 ->   52 x  52 x 256 1.595 BF
 105 conv    255       1 x 1/ 1     52 x  52 x 256 ->   52 x  52 x 255 0.353 BF
 106 yolo
[yolo] params: iou loss: mse (2), iou_norm: 0.75, cls_norm: 1.00, scale_x_y: 1.00
Total BFLOPS 65.879
avg_outputs = 532444
 Allocate additional workspace_size = 52.43 MB
Loading weights from ./yolov3.weights...
 seen 64, trained: 32013 K-images (500 Kilo-batches_64)
Done! Loaded 107 layers from weights-file
./data/dog.jpg: Predicted in 57.593000 milli-seconds.
bicycle: 99%
dog: 100%
truck: 94%


Docker 사용하기

$ docker pull votiethuy/tensorflow1.12-base
$ docker run -it --rm -v /c/TensorFlow/DW2TF:/dw2tf votiethuy/tensorflow1.12-base
# python main.py --cfg 'data/yolov3.cfg' --weights 'data/yolov3.weights' --output 'data/'


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