Number, String
2021. 8. 15. 23:57
- Division (/) always returns a float.
- The equal sign (=) is used to assign a value to variable.
- If a variable is not 'defined' (assigned a value), trying to use it will give you an error.
- In interactive mode, the last printed expression is assigned to the variable _.
- supports types of numbers, such as int, float, Decimal and Fraction.
- also has built-in support for complex numbers, and uses the j or J suffix to indicate the imaginary part (e.g. 3+5j).
>>> 8 / 5 # division always returns a floating number
>>> 17 // 3 # floor division discards the fractional part
>>> 17 % 3 # the % operator returns the remainder of the division
>>> 5 ** 2 # 5 squared
>>> 2 ** 7 # 2 to the power of 7
- can be enclosed in single quotes('…') or double quotes (“…”)
- \ can be used to escape quotes:
- String literals can span multiple lines.
- “”“…”“” or '…'
- it's possible to prevent including end of lines by adding a \ at the end of the line
- Python strings cannot be changed – they are immutable.
>>> 3 * 'a' + 'bcd'
>>> 'Py' 'thon'
>>> text = ('Put several strings within parentheses '
... 'to have them joined together.')
>>> text
'Put several strings within parentheses to have them joined together.'
>>> prefix = 'Py'
>>> prefix 'thon' # can't concatenate a variable and a string literal
File "<stdin>", line 1
prefix 'thon'
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
>>> ('a' * 3) 'bcd' # SyntaxError
>>> prefix + 'thon'
>>> word = 'python'
>>> word[0]
>>> word[5]
>>> word[-1]
>>> word[0:2]
>>> word[2:5]
>>> word[:2] + word[2:]
>>> word[100] # IndexError
>>> word[4:100]
>>> word[100:]
>>> len(word)